How to succeed in 8th grade

Dear future eighth graders,
Do you think your current grade is easy and eighth grade will be the same way? Well, although eighth grade is similar to the grades before it, there is way more responsibility where constantly maintaining work, comes to your advantage. before encountering infuriating struggles, I will give some examples of how to succeed in eighth grade.
One thing I noticed through the war so-called eighth grade, is the importance of completing homework and averting procrastination. There is an extreme cost to this which results in a plummet of your grade. The most haunting of deadlines with the requirement to despite procrastination is AR. I would advise completing at least two books a week before, because without doing so, you are left drinking coffee at two in the morning, begging your brain to keep your eyes open. Along with AR, you will do multiple debates throughout the year, and doing research every day before the debate will prevent becoming a deer in the headlights.
All in all, with many expectations and large-scale assignments, avoiding procrastination will benefit your grades for the greater good as well as maintaining a trustworthy reputation